Welcome to Urbanski Film!

Urbanski Film manufactures Presstapes for Regular (Standard) 8mm, Super 8mm, 16mm, and microfilm. Formerly a quality Kodak product, we are dedicated to continue that superior quality in our Presstape line. 


Minimum merchandise order $35.00 in USA plus UPS.  Minimum merchandise order $45.00 International plus shipping.

                     Directions for the application of Presstapes using the Kodak Presstape Universal Splicer.

                    Directions for the application of Recordak Microfilm Presstapes.

  • 16MM PRESSTAPES. 20 splices per package (40 tapes) 16mm, ..for splicing, repair..per package..$6.90

  • 16MM PRESSTAPES..20 packages in a box.400 splices (800 tapes).PER BOX...$79 Cat.No. URB 1549922

  • REGULAR (STANDARD) 8MM  PRESSTAPES. 20 splices per package (40 tapes) per package....$5.90 

  • REGULAR (STANDARD) 8MM PRESSTAPES..20 packages in a box.400 splices (800 tapes).PER BOX.....$69 Cat.No. URB 1549914

  • SUPER 8MM PRESSTAPES. 20 splices per package (40 tapes) per package....$5.90 

  • SUPER 8MM PRESSTAPES..20 packages in a box.400 splices (800 tapes).PER BOX.....$69 Cat.No. URB 1475771

  • PRESSTAPE UNIVERSAL SPLICER  Used. Handles 16mm, super 8, and standard 8mm. Complete with instructions, remember to order some presstapes....$45 1 pound 

  • RECORDAK MICROFILM PRESSTAPES 16MM.  Splices all types of 16mm nonperforated microfilm. 1000 Presstapes (500 splices). PER BOX $79  Cat.No. URB 1490481 (use Cat.No. URB 1549922 for substitute)

Welcome to Urbanski Film!


We accept Visa, Amex, Discover, MasterCard, Pay Pal

Contact us here: orders or inquiries

P.O. Box 438
Orland Park, IL 60462-0438
FAX: 708-460-9099
We are available for phone orders Monday through Friday 10 AM to 4 PM CST